2022/08/26 Customer case Vivo Concept BV - Vivo Concept BV in Maldegem (Belgium) is an interior furnishing company focused on building kitchens, bathroom cabinets, dressings, mantlepieces, etc. Vivo makes use of ARDIS® OPTIMIZER to gather and manage all the production data for a particular project.
The OPTIMIZER then constructs the cutting patterns, and from there machine files are generated to control the beam saw. Each time a part is produced on the SCM beam saw, ARDIS® prints a label which the operator can then stick onto the part. This label contains instructions for the operators further downstream the production flow.
For example, the label indicates which sides of the part should be edgebanded, specifying the edge material and the sequence of edgebanding operations. Click here to learn more on managing edgebanding information in the OPTIMIZER.