ARDIS® ANALYTICS is a powerful Business Intelligence tool that can make the difference! ——

Whether you plan to buy a new machinenegotiate better prices with your basic material supplier or make improvements to your offcuts management, you need to have the following information at the tips of your fingers:

  • How many parts are you cutting each week?
  • How many edges are you applying each day?
  • What is your average yield?
  • What is week-by-week performance of your production?
  • How many offcuts do you have in stock at the moment?
  • What basic materials do you cut most?
  • What were your biggest jobs this month?
  • Etc.

What if? ——
  • You lose your locally stored production data?
  • Your PC crashes and all the settings of your OPTIMIZER are gone?

Ever thought about creating automatic backups of all your production data and settings files? And then store these in a secure cloud platform from which they can be downloaded again in just seconds?

—— “One of the things we learned from ANALYTICS was that our overall yield was too low. Read our story and discover how we tackled this issue.

Pierre De Puydt (Integral, Eeklo, Belgium)
Chamamos sua atenção? — O ARDIS® ANALYTICS está incluído no Plano de Aprimoramento do OPTIMIZER (assinatura anual).Solicitar ajuda para instalação  ›Fale com um especialista  ›